This design is a modernized version of a traditional Finnish farmhouse wooden table and bench. It is a universal furniture set that can be used in a dining room for multiple purposes.

These pieces are made from oversized pinewood logs, which are no longer used by the furniture industry in Finland today. Finnish sawmills cannot saw these large logs, so this beautiful old log wood will either be used for cellulose production or cut into small pieces and burned for heating.

The Finnish company Luottopuu Oy, based in Kuhmo, Finland, is one of the few companies capable of sawing this oversized log wood. These products are made from very old, dense, and slow-growing East Finnish timber. The tabletop can be crafted from only one or two pieces of wood.

The table and benches are carefully designed, with load-bearing elements separated from non-load-bearing ones. This handcrafted design features traditional salmon tail joints, ensuring the tabletop remains straight while allowing for natural wood expansion. All leg parts can be detached for easy storage or transport and can be assembled at home with a single hex wrench.

Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi are showcasing their exhibition at ETH Edicions H Jenninger in Pobla de Benifassá in the province of Castellón, in the eastern part of Spain.

The exhibition includes a special portfolio featuring the esteemed artist Josep Vallribera. On display are several unique design items by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi, along with photographs and a slideshow showcasing their projects.

Time: 08.06.2024 – 08.09.2024
Place: ETH Edicions H. Jenninger
Carrer del Moli, 14
E-12599 La Pobla de Benifassà
+34 618 530 321

Design for All India has been a monthly-published journal since 2006.

We are honoured and pleased to announce the publication of the Design For All India December 2024 issue, Vol. 19 No.12 (ISSN 2582-8304), which marks the 241st special issue. The Guest Editor for this edition is Yuka Takahashi, an Industrial Designer from Finland.

The issue includes featured articles written by Hollmén Reuter Sandman architects, Professor emeritus Jiro Sagara, Service Designer and User Experience Researcher Kirsten Sainio, Artist Hisako Inoue, and Yuka Takahashi, from Finland and Japan.

Design for All, India aims to promote the principles of Universal Design throughout India. Our goal is to educate individuals and influence public policy to ensure that environments, products, services, and interfaces are designed to accommodate people of all ages and abilities.

You can download this publication from the December 2024 folder on

the Design for All, India’s website:

OR you can open the PDF directly and read it HERE >
Design for All India, December 2024 Vol-19 No-12.pdf

Design for All India has been a monthly-published journal since 2006.

We are honoured and pleased to announce the publication of our December 2024 issue, Vol. 19 No. 12 (ISSN 2582-8304), which marks the 241st special issue. The Guest Editor for this edition is Yuka Takahashi, an Industrial Designer from Finland.

The issue includes featured articles written by Hollmén Reuter Sandman architects, Professor emeritus Jiro Sagara, Service Designer and User Experience Researcher Kirsten Sainio, Artist Hisako Inoue, and Yuka Takahashi, from Finland and Japan.

Design for All, India aims to promote the principles of Universal Design throughout India. Our goal is to educate individuals and influence public policy to ensure that environments, products, services, and interfaces are designed to accommodate people of all ages and abilities.

This editorial Embracing Inclusion, Protection, and Empathic Resonance Through Design, Architecture, and Art synthesizes insights from five distinct yet interconnected articles that explore how various organizations and initiatives support these themes through design, architecture, art, with community engagement.

You can download this publication from the December 2024 folder on

the Design for All, India’s website:

OR you can open the PDF directly and read it HERE >
Design for All India, December 2024 Vol-19 No-12.pdf

Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi are showcasing their exhibition at ETH Edicions H Jenninger in Pobla de Benifassá in the province of Castellón, in the eastern part of Spain.

The exhibition includes a special portfolio featuring the esteemed artist Josep Vallribera. On display are several unique design items by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi, as well as photographs of their projects. Welcome!

Time: 08.06.2024 – 08.09.2024
Place: ETH
Edicions H. Jenninger
Carrer del Moli, 14
E-12599 La Pobla de Benifassà
+34 618 530 321

An interview about Yuka Takahashi‘s research and design projects with UPM Grada® -heat press plywood, is now published in the WISA plywood newsletter. The article is available in several languages:

EN Design fresh out of the oven

FI Uunituoretta designia

SW Design direkt ur ugnen

DK Design frisk fra ovnen

ES Diseno recien salido del horno

DE Design frisch aus dem ofen

FR Design fraichment sorti du four




We just made our Instagram account.

Please follow us and connect with us on Instagram!


Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi present at PechaKucha Night in Tallinn Design Festival on 22. Sep 2023. We talk about sustainable design and Finnish and Japanese cultural input into the design!


Time: 22.09.2019 18:00–
Venue: Kasvuhoone /Design 2, Kopli 70a, Krulli Quater
Entrance: 5 euros
Facebook event page:

Pecha Kucha Night is a specific presentation format (20 slides lasting for 20 seconds) from Tokyo architects during which creative people can bring new ideas and educational experiences to the public. The event, which started out as a small-scale format that helps to organize presentations so that content is not spilled, has become world-famous, and new ideas, interesting opinions, and a hefty dose of humor are always guaranteed. There are presentations by designers, architects, and representatives of different spheres of life.

Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi’s works are selected to participate in the 11th EcoDesign exhibition at the Habitare Fair 2022. Pekka Harni presents the Salmontail Table and Bench, made out of Finnish oversized massive wood produced by Luottopuu Oy in collaboration with wood master Jari Manninen. Another work is the CUBO trolley wagon using Zero particleboard*. Yuka Takahashi presents U&A wooden stackable chair with a side tablet designed for remote work. It is an experimental work using Finnish heat-bending plywood UPM Grada invented by UPM

Our works are supported by

TAIKE The Arts Promotion Centre Finland, the Finnish Cultural Foundation, Luottopuu Oy, Koskinen and UPM.

The 11th EcoDesign exhibition will feature new and unique designs based on ecological principles.
EcoDesign is an invitational exhibition, which consists of the views of distinguished design professionals and promising young designers, e.g. from remote work furniture, storage solutions for recyclable materials, multifunctional furniture, lighting, chairs, and the new use of the entirely wood-based particleboard. There are 34 works on display.

*For the first time, examples of the use of future fossil-free Zero particleboard, entirely wood-based particleboard for furniture and decoration, will be on display. The materials of the works in the exhibition are ethically produced, meeting the requirements of sustainable development in all respects.


Date: 7-11.09.2022

Place: Helsinki Fair Center: Habitare Hall 6 H 70.

Messukeskus: Messuaukio 1 Helsinki, 00520 Finland

more information at

EcoDesign: (in Finnish)


Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi’s interview has been published in the Krunikka lehti; Kruununhaka’s local free paper magazine at 03 / 2021 issue.
Kuruununhaka is the old centre of Helsinki.

Original magazine in PDF-version can be found here >

Seven Chairs by Pekka Harni exhibition.

The exhibition was a part of the main exhibition of the Helsinki Design Week 2020 ”Citius, altius, fortius” or ”Less is more” held at the newly renovated Helsinki Olympic Stadium.

Seven Chairs exhibition presents Pekka Harni‘s sustainable design developments on the chair design.

The exhibition is a part of the main exhibition of the Helsinki Design Week 2020 ”Citius, altius, fortius” or ”Less is more” held at the newly renovated Helsinki Olympic Stadium.


Opening hours:
Sep 11, Fri 11:00-19:00
Sep 12, Sat 11:00-19:00
Sep 13, Sun 11:00-19:00

Olympiastadion, Paavo Nurmen Tie 1, Helsinki

Entrance Ticket:

General Info and Ticket (In English):

Read the introduction of the exhibition written by the curator Kari Korkman, the Director of the Helsinki Design Week!:

Participants list of the Studium Exhibition:


In Finnish (Suomeksi):

Näyttelyn tiedot ja lipunmyynti:

Stadionnäyttelyn osalistujat:



Seven Chairs exhibition has been added to the EXHIBITIONS category page of our website.

See more pictures of the exhibition from the link below.

Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi presents at Pecha Kucha night in Tallinn Design Night Festival on 20th Sep 2019.


Time: 20.09.2019 16:00–17:30
Venue: Noblessneri Valukoda,  Lessneri saal
Entrance: 5 euros
Facebook page (speakers’ introductions):

Pecha Kucha Night is a specific presentation format (20 slides lasting for 20 seconds) from Tokyo architects during which creative people can bring new ideas and educational experiences to the public. The event, which started out as a small-scale format which helps to organize presentations so that content is not spilled, has become world-famous and new ideas, interesting opinions and a hefty dose of humour is always guaranteed. There are presentations by designers, architects and representatives of different spheres of life.

Vieno -silent harmony,









Heini Riitahuhta
Marianne Huotari
Aoi Yoshizawa
Pasi Kärkkäinen-Tunkelo
Yuka Takahashi ja Pekka Harni

15.05 – 18.8.2019

Vellikelo kahvila taidegalleria

Sibeliuksenväylä 53
04400 Järvenpää

Open Tue-Sun 12-18

Vellikello FaceBook page

Vieno FaceBook event page




1. www を省略しました。

(旧) (新)

2.  https 暗号化通信に対応しました。
http:// -> https://





Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi participates Vieno- silent harmony, the summer exhibition at Vellikello gallery in Järvenpää.

The exhibition includes the works by 6 artists and designers who searches Finnish-Japanese aesthetical harmony through ceramics, wood, textile, and glass art.

Exhibition artists are Finland-based Japanese artists and  Finnish artists who have a strong connection to Japan.

The aesthetics of these two countries speak the same language: natural, and continuing the story until to the last detail. The shared vision of authenticity and honesty is also reflected in the history of Finland’s and Japan’s 100-year diplomatic relationship history. In the spirit of two parties who understand each other without words, the works of the Vieno exhibition passes on a quiet harmony.



Heini Riitahuhta
Marianne Huotari
Aoi Yoshizawa
Pasi Kärkkäinen-Tunkelo
Yuka Takahashi ja Pekka Harni


15.05 – 18.8.2019

Vellikelo kahvila taidegalleria

Sibeliuksenväylä 53
04400 Järvenpää

Open: Tue-Sun 12-18


Vellikello FB page

Vieno FB event page


Our website has been redesigned and added more work examples!


Our web address has been changed as follows, ->

http:// -> https://

New address is




Pekka Harni’s PikkuTikku Stool has been a finalist for the Nordic Design Competition.

The winner of the Finnish candidates is Clash 331 chair by Samuli Naamanka.

The Nordic Design Competition with attention to sustainable chair design
has been hosted by the Nordic Council of Ministers in collaboration with Danish Design Centre, DOGA, Iceland Design Centre, Ornamo in Finland, and Swedish Form.

PDF: Here (open in a new window)

More detail here:

ABC – Arabia Basic Ceramics, tableware set renamed as NERO since 2006 following to the new plates and colours joined to the collection. The geometrical design provides the possibility of the various combinations and table settings.


Design Plus prize/ Frankfurt fair 1999

This project research focused on how people use tableware in two different countries.

In Finland, most families own the dishes in sets of six, eight or more. This leads toward a functional and aesthetic harmony on the table as well as in storage. On the contrary, Japanese harmony tends toward individual dishes of different sizes, shapes, and colours. In the Japanese lunch box, different elements come together harmoniously as a unit.

My design solution emerged from the way of dining in both cultures. Arranging different kinds of food onto one plate was one of the important elements. “Moon” comprises cups and hollow-shaped plates.

The plates have three divisions but are not completely separated. Both separation and combination are mutually achieved.

Moon series was produced as a limited edition included in 5kulmaa collection by ARABIA Finland   in the year 2007-2008

Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi design from Finland touring exhibition in Tokyo.

supported by the Finnish Institute in Japan.

Design for All, India, Newsletter is a monthly-published journal since 2006.

The introduction article is written by guest editor profPekka Harni and other invited contributors are Saija Hollmén, Jenni Reuter, Helena Sandman, Kythzia Barrera, Jacqueline Moors, Nao Saito, and Sanna Simola.

Graphic design and Assistant editor (p.1-84): Yuka Takahashi

Chief-editor of the Design for All India: Dr Sunil Bhatia.

Design for All, India seeks to promote the principles of Universal Design in India. The intent is to educate individuals and influence public policy so that environments, products, services and interfaces are designed to meet the needs of people belonging to all ages and abilities.

This publication can be downloaded from
Design for All, India’s website:

OR Open PDF directly and read HERE > : Design For All -India, MAY 2016 vol-11 no-5

The publication made for the exhibition in Eindhoven, funded by Arabia Finland.



(sold out )

The main importance of the classification of tools and artefacts presented in this book lies in the fact that it helps us plot the world of tools and its evolution in a comprehensive manner with the aid of different artefactual categories. The purpose of the classification is to study the organization of the forms of artefacts, the significance of their parts and the basic properties of tools, and to explain the connections and relationships between objects and the environment. The classification describes the most important basic properties of objects. It is a good book for design students, researchers and educators, but also for anyone interested in objects surrounding us.


The touring exhibition of The Designers of The Year 2011 awarded by Ornamo.

The Finnish Association of Designers, Ornamo have awarded their commendable members with professional recognition since 1981.

The criteria for the presentation of awards include innovation, artistic quality, topicality, interest value or a long meritorious career. The Finnish Association of Designers, Ornamo was established in 1911. It has more than 1,700 members working in the fields of industrial design, interior architecture, fashion, and textile design as well as crafts and applied arts. Finnish Designer Awards ’11 begins the celebration of Ornamo’s 100 years anniversary.

see the booklet here >

Ornamo’s award winners 2011:

Industrial Designer of the Year Pekka Harni

“What stands out in Pekka Harni’s work are the continuation of Kaj Franck’s ethical and moral design tradition and a marked support for sustainable development. Harni’s teaching and design work is profound and insightful. Honesty and open disclosure of one’s firm position form the essential part of Harni’s designer identity.” – the Association of Industrial designers Finland TKO

Fashion Designer of the Year Jasmiine Julin-Aro

Interior Architect of the Year Vertti Kivi

Artist of the Year Janna Syvänoja

Textile Artist of the Year Heli Tuori-Luutonen

Grafia’s award winner 2011:

Graphic Designer of the Year Agent Pekka

Muotoilijat ’11 – Finnish Designer Awards ’11 exhibition
14th January– 13th February 2011
Design Forum Finland
Erottajankatu 7 Helsinki Finland

touring exhibition:
Finnish-Norwegian cultural institute, Oslo, Norway 18.8.–18.9.2011
Finnish Institute in Stockholm, Sweden 6.10.–3.11.2011


Until recently, a system for the categorisation of objects both in the morphological and functional sense has not been available for the field of industrial design research.

Finnish architect and designer, Pekka Harni has developed a system, which divides our daily domestic objects into seven morphological categories, e.g., ”containers”, ”hand tools” and ”body objects”. This division provides tools for analyzing the properties of these categories. Furthermore, it includes the method for mixing object properties between object categories resulting in the possibility of creating totally new design concepts.

In the exhibition, more than 1000 objects are organised in their respective categories. Additionally, the essential relationships and differences, as well as numerous interesting details about their properties are pointed out.

The most recent design work of Pekka Harni is presented in a separate showroom within Artandgallery. These include products for e.g. Designor Ltd/Arabia, Marimekko Ltd and Satira Ltd.

The exhibition of young Finnish designers at the Design Museum Helsinki, Finland. 16.10-22.11.1987

Pekka Harni was the architect of the exhibition and also the exhibition structures were constructed by his team.

Globalization and locality are contemporary topics.
Understanding cultural differences and bringing one’s own idea into local needs are important issues for designers.
This exhibition “Astia-Utsuwa” shows three sets of different dining suites designed through “TABLEWARE DESIGN PROJECT derived from Finnish and Japanese eating culture” and carried out at the University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH in Spring-Summer 2005. Does a design process with cultural exchange study create interesting results?
Three working group units have studied Finnish and Japanese culture especially in the area of serving and consuming meals through a series of intensive workshop sessions. The first of these units is comprised of Finnish students: Susanna Hoikkala, Tanja Sipilä and Marjaana Yläjääski, the second of Japanese students: Nao Saito, Satoko Taguma and Midori Yamada, and the third of the project planner and leader, Yuka Takahashi. Designers have different background such as applied art and design, architectural study, industrial design, spatial and furniture design. This project is one part of Yuka Takahashi’s diploma work of Industrial and strategic design Ma program at the University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH supervised by a significant Finnish designer and artist Stefan Lindfors.
The teams of Finnish students and Japanese students created sets of artefacts relating to the dining environments of their reciprocal cultures. Yuka Takahashi created a set of artefacts as integrations of Japanese and Finnish cultures.
The task was given as “table and tableware for four people in an everyday environment.” The title “ASTIA-UTSUWA” is a coined expression of “vessel” in “Finnish-Japanese”.


The Sustainable Design from Finland exhibition is part of the event Alla Luce del Nord (In the Light of the North), which provides a new kind of open arena for the exchange of ideas between designers and artists, Helsinki and Venice, and in a larger scale, between Finland and Italy.

Good design is both functional and pleasing to the eye and touch. Good design is also sustainable in the sense that it stands the test of time and use. Sustainable design is good for both people and the environment.

The Venice exhibition Sustainable Design from Finland is an event in the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 program. The 45 works at the exhibition represent the highest quality of Finnish sustainable design, ranging from jewellery to furniture and from bicycles to urban environmental design concepts.

The exhibition opens with an electro-acoustic concert by Aquatrio on 6 Oct 2012 at 18.00.

Designers in Sustainable Design from Finland:

Aalto & Aalto, Linda Berghroth, Sirpa Fourastié & Susan Elo, Johanna Gullichsen, Hahmo, Henri Halla-aho, Pekka Harni, Simo Heikkilä, Sanelma Hihnala, Jouko Järvisalo, Inka Kivalo, Seppo Koho, Harri Koskinen, Antti Kotilainen, Hannu Kähönen, Kristiina Lassus, Stefan Lindfors, Samuli Naamanka, Vuokko Nurmesniemi, Anniina Nurmi, Mikko Paakkanen, Pelago, Peruste, Ritva Puotila, Tuula Pöyhönen, Heikki Ruoho, Jukka Setälä, Ilkka Suppanen, Janna Syvänoja, Yuka Takahashi, Petri Vainio and Yrjö Wiherheimo.

This exhibition toured Helsinki and Tallinn afterwards.
See also “Enduring Beauty Exhibition in Tallinn

The ENDURING BEAUTY – sustainable design from Finland is an exhibition in Tallinn Design Night Festival. The works at the exhibition represent the highest quality of Finnish sustainable design, ranging from jewellery to furniture and from bicycles to urban environmental design concepts.
The exhibition is located in the Design Elevator section in the impressive old building in Rotermann Quarter, the centre of Tallinn.

Designers presented in the exhibition:
Aalto & Aalto, Linda Bergroth, Susan Elo, Johanna Gullichsen, Hahmo / Illona Törmikoski, Henri Halla-aho, Pekka Harni, Simo Heikkilä, Sanelma Hihnala, Jouko Järvisalo, Inka Kivalo, Seppo Koho, Harri Koskinen, Hannu Kähönen, Stefan Lindfors, Samuli Naamanka, Vuokko Nurmesniemi, Anniina Nurmi, Mikko Paakkanen, Pelago, Peruste, Ritva Puotila, Inni Pärnänen, Tuula Pöyhönen, Heikki Ruoho, Janna Syvänoja, Yuka Takahashi, Julie Tolvanen, Petri Vainio and Yrjö Wiherheimo.

Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi design from Finland touring exhibition in near Kobe.
supported by the Finnish Institute in Japan, Case gallery, Hanshin jiban chosa ltd and Finnish National Council for Design.

On display in Design Museum’s Gallery from August 27 until October 23 is a joint exhibition by the architect and designer couple Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi. Harni-Takahashi Oy, their architectural and design practice in Helsinki, concentrates on ecologically sustainable development in object and interior design and architecture.

Harni and Takahashi have collaborated professionally since 2002, establishing their joint practice in 2007. Work by Harni–Takahashi Oy has been on show in various exhibitions both in Finland and abroad.
The part of this exhibition toured two cities in Japan, later.

KOTI – The home experience was one of the events in Helsinki Design Week 2005. Several active designers have been selected to carry out this project to individualize city homes. Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi have made an interior design through a concept of Modern Scandinavian style spiced with Japanese cultural influence. The goal was to create wholeness in interior design by “complete applied artworks”

Many original design objects by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi, including furniture, lighting objects, printed textiles, ceramic objects and etc. can be seen in this interior. *

This exhibition has shown several new prototypes and also many products produced by leading design companies such as Arabia Finland, Marimekko, and Satira.

* Divan “Chaise lounge” designed by Simo Heikkilä /Periferia Design.
Floor lamp “NIO” designed by Timo Pitkänen.
Carpets designed by Ritva Puotila / WOODNOTES

Around the old red- brick paper factory a versatile and sensible city district will be built, the implementation of which has, in fact, already begun. The competition area is located at the very core of Kangas, and will form the centre of the entire area. The objective of the competition was to find a high-quality proposal as the basis for the town planning and implementation, which would enable the construction of a pleasant area of workplaces, housing and education. The competitors had to take into consideration the cultural-historical industrial environment of regional significance and design a centre with an aesthetically high-quality cityscape.

Lohja is a town of some 36 000 inhabitants not far from the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. In the south the Hiidensalmi area borders on the centre of Lohja and in the north, via the Hiidensalmi Bridge, on the town district of Routio. Hiidensalmi has for a long time been an industrial area, and soil pollution caused by industrial activity has prevented its development. However, both in terms of function and location the area is in the best direction for the centre’s organic expansion. The aim of the architectural competition was to devise an entity that would be implemented within a time span of 10-15 years.

It is the wish of the organizers to make Hiidensalmi, on the one hand, an efficiently developed area and on the other an extension of the town centre while respecting natural values, making use of the possibilities offered by the new western approach road and embodying the interplay between a natural and an urban environment. The aim of the competition was to find a functional basic concept for building an innovative new town district. The area was to become an entity that had an identity of its own and reflected its industrial heritage, combining the architecture of high quality, preservation of the historically valuable building stock and the natural environment with the principles of sustainable development.


Jätkäsaari is currently one of the largest new urban development areas in central
Helsinki. New housing for 17 000 residents will be built on the 100-hectare former harbor area, and it is calculated that more than 6000 jobs will be generated.

Jätkasaari’s new main school will see for the first time ever Finnish and Swedish-speaking primary schools – Jätkasaaren peruskoulu and Busholmens grundskola – placed together in the same building.

The objective of the architectural competition was to find a design solution for the schools that enriches the cityscape, functions well, is architecturally of a high quality and which also in the future will function flexibly. The evaluation of the proposals focused in particular on the sustainability and maintenance of the design solution in the marine conditions.
The building will be used by approximately 740-800 primary school pupils in grades 1 to 9 (ages 7-15). One objective of the competition was to find a solution that supports the new pedagogics. The school was to be corridor-free and instead
of traditional classrooms the spaces would form open “home units”. Also, flexibility was required of the building, since the goal is to provide facilities for activities for the local residents outside school hours.

The objective of the Armi project was to bring together the national organisations in the field of architecture, building and design. Operating in the same building will create an opportunity for new kind of co-operation, interaction and development of activities. The new information centre will be a prominent flagship of Finnish expertise building. The objective of the competition was to find a solution for the Armi centre that would combine innovativeness, high-quality architecture and technical and financial viability. The site for the project lies in Katajanokka, near the historical centre of Helsinki and Market Square, and the City of Helsinki holds the title to the land.

The object of the competition, the wooden urban village in Helsinki’s Myllypuro district is part of the National Project for Modern Wooden Towns, with the aim of learning from traditional Finnish timber construction and modernizing it to meet present-day requirements.

The objective of the architectural competition was to create a national model site combining the advantages of high-density, low-rise urban fabric housing with a timber-built residential milieu. Factors in the background also include the City’s need to diversify Myllypuro’s housing and residential distribution, to support local services and to offer new plots for detached and terraced housing.

The goal of the competition was to create an urban, low-rise residential area for approximately 1,500 residents (50,000 – 70,000 sq m gross) with a distinct character, an urban village. Its scale, urban and block structure and buildings were to be well suited for housing and timber construction. Other goals included developing an urban house type as well as characteristic and innovative use of wood.

The aim of the competition was to find an exhibition building for the Finnish pavilion in the world exhibition to be held in Shanghai in 2010 – one that would be architectonically of a high level, unique to Finns, different to the others, and express a new architecture.

ADB&B (Armchair, Divan, Bench & Bed) is a piece of furniture that can be transformed into three different shapes; an armchair, a divan, a small extra bed/bench.

It is most suitable for a small flat owner who does not want to occupy his/her space with big extra furniture. And yet, it’s possible to provide comfort to the guests according to the occasional needs. It is collapsible with a small number of screws and easy to make a small package for transportation.

★ Received the Grand Award of the EcoDesign Special Exhibition in Habitare 2016 -Helsinki Interior, design and furniture fair.

★ Selected as “The Most Interesting Product” of Habitare fair 2016 by the world-renowned British design critic and author Alice Rawsthorn who writes in international NY Times.

★ Selected as “The 14 Most Successful domestic products of 2016” by the Finnish interior magazine Avotakka.

The Pikku Tikku collection consists of a stool, a table and a coat rack made out of ash wood.

The Bending the wood creates a pre-stressed structure, which is a more ecological solution than laminate the wood in layers with glue. An efficient construction can save raw material. All leg parts are made of ash wood.

The Pikku Tikku can be packed in a flat package that can save space for storing and transportation. Thanks to the simple joints leg parts can be assembled by hand without any tools.

The table design is inspired by the traditional Finnish stool for weaving as well as a traditional Finnish dining table. “Step” comprises a top plate, easy to remove and used upside down; this is reminiscent of Japanese “kotatsu” table. Construction follows the traditional Finnish way of making tables that are durable, sustainable and beautiful.

Transformable ceramic art installation designed by Pekka Harni.

Limited edition produced by Attese Edizioni, Savona Italy. Presented in the 3rd Biennale of Ceramics in Contemporary Art “UNDISCIPLINED” in 2006.

Limited edition produced by Attese Edizioni, Savona Italy.

Presented in 4th Biennial of Ceramics in Contemporary Art “Changing the world with a flower vase” touring exhibitions.

also see the news page about the exhibition:

The design is based on very specific geometrical transformations that each piece fit together in many ways. The design originally provided for the minimalanimal collection, the ceramics tableware workshop, curated by Pedro Sottomayor and promoted by Sátira in Portugal. The collection includes unique works by the invited international architects and designers in Europe.

The objective of the competition was to generate ideas for the public spaces and residential blocks within a competition area located in the Helsinki district of Kallio, Hakaniemi and Siltavuorensalmi, for the further development of the detailed plan. In the planning of the waterfront area, Hakaniemi’s central location as a public transport hub as well as the significant historical layeredness of the area were factors to be taken into consideration. The competitors were also asked to create for the area a new, uniquely attractive and urban shoreline accessible to everyone.

ペッカ・ハルニとユカ・タカハシの作品がヘルシンキで開催されるハビターレ家具フェア内の第10回エコデザイン特別展の出展作品に選ばれ, 2点の作品を展示しました。




展示会期: 12.-16.9.2018

場所: Helsinki Fair Center: Habitare Hall 7 H 160.

Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi’s works are selected to participate in the 10th EcoDesign exhibition at the Habitare Fair 2018.
The EcoDesgin exhibition celebrates the 10th anniversary this year. The exhibition shows about 40 pieces of the selected works from past exhibitions since 2009.
Pekka Harni presents the PikkuTikku stool and Yuka Takahashi presents ADB&B the multifunctional furniture that won the EcoDesign Award in 2016.
PikkuTikku stool is a minimalistic stool made out of ash wood and it can be built up without any screw or tool.
ADB&B (Armchair, Divan, Bench & Bed) is a piece of furniture that can be transformed into three different shapes;
an armchair, a divan, a small extra bed/bench. They can be collapsed in a small package. Welcome!

More info:

Date: 12.-16.9.2018

Place: Helsinki Fair Center: Habitare Hall 7 H 160.


The street axis continues from the old medieval cloister church of the Naantali until to the new city hall plaza as a spatial continuum, it is passing the city hall tower up to the hill as a stairway and ending on a half circle place. This is the centre of the radial composition. This solution can combine the street directions of the railway station area to the old city centre structure and create an interesting spatial entity from these disordered elements.

The new city centre is indicated with the city hall tower and visible while you enter the city from the new connection road.

Under the city hall hill, there is a parking area for 120 cars and a new parking tunnel made in the rocky ground. This tunnel will be used also for the service traffic, and also as a bombing shelter. The city hall tower will create lift connection for all the buildings around, connecting them also to the parking tunnel.

The main city hall plaza with a trapezoid shape surrounded by commercial buildings and the summer theatre will create an interesting perspective illusion.

public services
15000 m2
commercial spaces
12300 m2
36500 m2

フィンランドの家具プランドVIVEROがPikkuTikku 家具コレクションの製造販売を開始しました。



for more info at VIVERO website:

A series of new furniture PikkuTikku designed by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi is launched by the Finnish furniture producer VIVERO.

The furniture collection includes the wooden stool designed by Pekka Harni and the coat rack by Yuka Takahashi.

Bending the wood creates a pre-stressed structure, which is a more ecological solution than laminate the wood in layers with glue. An efficient construction can save raw material. All leg parts are made of ash wood. The Pikku Tikku can be packed in a flat package that can save space for storing and transportation. Thanks to the simple joints leg parts can be assembled by hand without any tools.

The table and the other items are coming to join the collection in the near future!

for more info at VIVERO website:

Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi’s new wooden furniture series will be in preview in the Stockholm furniture fair by the Finnish furniture company VIVERO.


Stand number,  A22:10.

the world’s leading event for Scandinavian design, Feb 6-10, 2018!

Opening hours

Tuesday February 6, 09.00-18.00
Wednesday February 7, 09.00-18.00
Thursday February 8, 09.00-18.00
Friday February 9, 09.00-18.00

Saturday February 10, Open access/public day 10.00-17.00

ペッカ・ハルニとユカ・タカハシの作品がヘルシンキで開催されるハビターレ家具フェア内の第9回エコデザイン特別展の出展作品に選ばれ, 2点の作品を展示しました。



場所: Helsinki Fair Center: Habitare Hall 7.

日時: 13-17.09.2017



Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi’s works are selected to participate in the 9th EcoDesign Exhibition at Habitare Fair 2017.

This year’s exhibition theme was DIY assemblable furniture or object.

PikkuTikku stool is a minimalistic stool made out of ash wood and it can be built up without any screw or tool. Yuka’s rocking chair is small-scale rocking/chair fitting to a modern house. They can be collapsed in small packages.

About 100 applications, the jury group selected 35 works selected to be shown in the exhibition from Finnish and international designers.

More info:

Catalogue: issue EcoDesign 2017 catalogue

Date: 13.-17.09.2017

Place: Helsinki Fair Center: Habitare Hall 7.

ヘルシンキデザインウィークというイベント会社が発行しているウェブマガジンにて当スタジオへの訪問&インタビュー記事が紹介されました。著者はクリスタル・ベンネス (Crystal Bennes)さん。雑誌などに寄稿するライターでありアーティストでもあるアメリカ人の方です。

この記事はHelsinki Design Weekly といウェブマガジンの中でも、大変人気のあるWeekly Studioという連載の中で紹介されました。

Helsinki Design Weeklyはフィンランド語と英語でフィンランドや国外のデザイン業界やデザイン好きの方達に読まれている定期刊行のウェブマガジンです。


Weekly Studio visits the Finnish-Japanese studio Harni-Takahashi to discuss sustainable object making, the unforeseen impact of new technologies on society and industrial design’s need for a theoretical framework.

Founded in 2007, Pekka Harni’s and Yuka Takahashi’s studio works multidisciplinary in the field of design and architecture…

Please see the full story here:

In Eglish

In Finnish

Our studio “Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi” is featured in the interview-based article written by Crystal Bennes in Weekly Studio in the online magazine Helsinki Design Weekly.

The interview covers a wide range of stories from our working style to the ideas behind our projects.

“Weekly Studio” is one of the most popular series of the Helsinki Design Weekly. Helsinki Design Weekly is an online publication that is widely read by professionals in the field of design as well as design enthusiasts in Finland and abroad. Helsinki Design Weekly is published bilingually in both Finnish and English.


Weekly Studio visits the Finnish-Japanese studio Harni-Takahashi to discuss sustainable object making, the unforeseen impact of new technologies on society and industrial design’s need for a theoretical framework.

Founded in 2007, Pekka Harni’s and Yuka Takahashi’s studio works multidisciplinary in the field of design and architecture…

Please see the full story here:

In Eglish

In Finnish

ADB&B  is selected as one of the 14 most successful design in Finland in 2016 by the home & design magazine AVOTAKKA

More info in Meillä on kotona website here:

ユカ・タカハシの作品 ADB&B multifunctional furniture がヘルシンキで開催中のハビターレ家具フェア内の第8回エコデザイン特別展の最優秀賞に選ばれました。
また、ハビターレの公式国際フレンドであり、International NY Times紙のデザイン評論家であるAlice Rawsthornさんが選ぶハビターレ内で 「最も興味深い作品」に選ばれました。
Habitare Ecodesign award:  プレスリリース
Habitare press release of Alice Rawthorn’s choices
(英語) プレスリリース
(フィンランド語) プレスリリース


ペッカ・ハルニはコンパクトサイズのソファ、ユカ・タカハシは多機能な家具ADB&B (アームチェア・ディバン・ベッド&ベンチ)を出展します。両作品ともフィンランドの白樺を使った木製の家具で組み立て分解ができ小さな梱包ができるしようになっています。ぜひご来場ください!

場所: Helsinki Fair Center: Habitare Hall 7.

日時: 7-11.09.2016



The exhibition features a total of 30 designs.

Theme of the exhibtion:

Interior product of which at least 3⁄4 is made of certified wood. Also the other materials used has to be certified and recyclable.

The basis for planning:

In addition to cutting-edge design the basis for planning is as ecological production as possible: material choices, production process, packaging and logistics, use, durability and maintainability and recyclability – the whole life-cycle of the product is carefully taken into consideration.




Yuka Takahashi‘s work ADB&B multifunctional furniture won the best award in EcoDesign exhibition in Habitare Design Fair! In addition, this furniture was selected as the Most Interesting Product of the Habitare fair by one of the most leading British design critic and author Alice Rawsthorn, the International Friend of Habitare, who writes in international NY Times and other magazines and books.

Here is Alice’s brief description about her choice:

– ADB+B multifunctional seating unit, designed by Yuka Takahashi
Yuka Takahashi’s multifunctional seat-cum-sofa-cum-bed-cum-bench is a great example of the versatile and adaptable furniture that is becoming increasingly popular. It is also relatively light and compact, and can therefore be moved easily from place to place. In short, it is a practical and appealing product for today.

more info:

Habitare press release of Alice Rawthorn’s choices

(in English)

(in Finnish)

facebook article :International friend of Habitare Alice Rawsthorn’s choices


Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi  are selected to show their ideas  in the 8th international EcoDesign Special Exhibition at Habitare Fair 2016. Pekka Harni presents a compact sofa and Yuka Takahashi presents a multifunctional furniture system ADB&B Armchair Divan Bed and Bench. Both works are made out of Finnish birch wood and a few metal parts. They can be collapsed in small packages. Welcome!

Place: Helsinki Fair Center: Habitare Hall 7.

Time: 7-11.09.2016

Criteria of the Ecodesign exhibition in 2016:

The exhibition features a total of 30 designs.

Theme of the exhibtion

Interior product of which at least 3⁄4 is made of certified wood. Also the other materials used has to be certified and recyclable.

The basis for planning

In addition to cutting-edge design the basis for planning is as ecological production as possible: material choices, production process, packaging and logistics, use, durability and maintainability and recyclability – the whole life-cycle of the product is carefully taken into consideration.

More information:


今回の2016年5月発刊 vol-11 no-5 号ではペッカ・ハルニ自身の巻頭記事に始まり、様々な分野で活躍するデザイナーや建築家に特集記事を寄稿していただきました。


Saija Hollmén, Jenni Reuter, Helena Sandman,
Kythzia Barrera,
Jacqueline Moors,
Sanna Simola

グラフィックデザイン&編集助手 (p.1-84): ユカ・タカハシ

編集長: Dr Sunil Bhatia.



Design For All -India, MAY 2016 vol-11 no-5


*1 )Design For All Institute of India

Design for All, India seeks to promote the principles of Universal Design in India. The intent is to educate individuals and influence public policy so that environments, products, services and interfaces are designed to meet the needs of people belonging to all ages and abilities.


Pekka Harni has been invited to be a guest editor for Design for All India, May 2016 Vol-11 No-5.

Design for All, India, Newsletter is a monthly-published journal since 2006.

The introduction article is written by guest editor Prof. Pekka Harni and other invited contributors are Saija Hollmén, Jenni Reuter, Helena Sandman, Kythzia Barrera, Jacqueline Moors, Nao Saito, and Sanna Simola.

Graphic design and Assistant editor (p.1-84): Yuka Takahashi

Chief-editor of the Design for All India: Dr Sunil Bhatia.

Design for All, India seeks to promote the principles of Universal Design in India. The intent is to educate individuals and influence public policy so that environments, products, services and interfaces are designed to meet the needs of people belonging to all ages and abilities.

This publication can be downloaded from
Design for All, India’s website:

OR directly from:

Design For All -India, MAY 2016 vol-11 no-5

Welcome to the exhibition Fire and Clay. The art of soft pottery in Oaxaca, Mexico!

This exhibition shows the authentic handi-craft ceramics from Oaxaca area of Mexico.

Harni-Takahashi Ltd. has been a coordinator and supporter of this exhibition bringing it from Mexico to Finland.

This exhibition also includes some of the six workshops we have been leading in Mexico in order to support the local artisans to learn and apply design methods to their production without breaking down their tradition, in other words, evolutional way. The workshops were taken place in 2008 and 2014, together with our friends Kythzia Barrera and Diego Mier y Terán/ Innovando la tradición.

Free entry!



Gallery Arabia: Fire and Clay The art of soft pottery in Oaxaca, Mexico

30 Oct 2015- 22 Jan 2016

The exhibition consists of two sections. Fire and Clay. The art of soft pottery in Oaxaca, Mexico and Atzompa 3500+. Object time-line. The exhibition is a part of the Mexican Cultural Month in Finland.

Fire and Clay is composed of traditional indigenous pottery from over 60 pottery villages, the fruit of 20 years of exploration in rural Oaxaca in Mexico.

In an unbroken lineage over the last four millennia, potters in the villages of Southern Mexico have created functional pottery with only clay, water, fire, and their skilled hands.

Fire and Clay is composed of pottery from over 60 pottery villages, the fruit of 20 years of exploration in rural Oaxaca. It is the first of its kind, presented now so that we may open our eyes to the subtle, deep beauty of this rustic, sophisticated, complex and simple pottery.

Atzompa 3500+. Object time-line, shows the results of a series of experimental workshops in the village of Santa María Atzompa, Oaxaca, Mexico.

The workshops took place from September 2013 to March 2014 in the village of Santa María Atzompa, Oaxaca, organized by Innovando la Tradición a.c. Some of the workshops includes the Finnish Foreign Ministry’s contribution to their research and development activities and the result of the series of experimental workshops lead by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi in collaboration with Innovando la Tradición a.c.

Innovando la Tradición a.c. is a Mexican NGO founded by Kythzia Barrera and Diego Mier y Terán, a multidisciplinary non-profit and a creative platform where artisans, designers and artists share skills, knowledge and stories to rethink and honour the ceramic traditions of Oaxaca. They offer services for potters and pottery communities in Oaxaca to support the resilience of their trade.

Address: Gallery Arabia
Hämeentie 135, 9th Floor, 00560 Helsinki

(Please use a lift going up to 9th floor, next to the Arabia Factory outlet shop.)


Contact information
tel. +358 20 439 5357

Opening hours: 30 Oct 2015- 22 Jan 2016

Wed–Fri 12am–6pm
Sat–Sun 10am–4pm
Mon, Tue, Closed  

also see:

Design museum, Arabia Gallery


ペッカ・ハルニ & ユカ・タカハシがヘルシンキで行われるハビターレデザインフェア内の国際エコデザイン特別展に今年も参加します。ペッカ・ハルニはフィンランドの木材メーカーの新素材、熱成形合板UPM Gradaとウールフェルトを使った軽量のラウンジチェア を出品。ユカ・タカハシはユニットシステムガーデン照明の展示をします。ランプシェードは日本の信楽で開発された新素材の透光陶器を使用し艸方窯さんの協力で製作しました。Welcome!

日程: 2015年9月9日〜13日


Messuaukio 1, 00521 Helsinki



テーマは1.PEFC認証材とUPM Gradaを使った家具またはインテリア製品。2. LEDと環境に優しい素材を使ったガーデン照明器具 3.年間を通して使う事を考慮したホームガーデン用のプランター 4.オフィスや展示会など自由にコーヒーやお茶を出す事ができる室内外使用を考慮したトローリーのデザインの4カテゴリー。





Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi  are selected to show their ideas  in the 7th international EcoDesign Special Exhibition at Habitare Fair 2015. Pekka Harni presents a lightweight lounge chair made out of UPM-grada plywood and wool felt and Yuka Takahashi presents a new modular Garden lighting system made out of the brand-new material “translucent ceramic” from Shigaraki in Japan. Welcome!

Place: Helsinki Fair Center: Habitare Hall 7. 

Time: 9-13.09.2015

Ecodesign exhibition in 2015:

The participating designers chose the premise of their design from four thematic categories:

• An interior design product made of PEFC-certified wood and UPM Grada, a thermoformable wood material. The wood for the designs selected for the exhibition was provided by UPM

.• An outdoor light fitting for garden use, based on ecologically sound materials and energy-efficient LED technology.

• A planter for useful plants in a home garden, for placement indoors or outdoors, such as on the balcony, taking into account year-round use.

• A trolley for the sale of coffee and tea in offices and at exhibitions and trade fairs, and for use in pop-up activities, indoors or outdoors.

In addition to demonstrating high design quality, the designs were to address issues related to environmental friendliness in manufacturing; material choice; the manufacturing process; packaging and logistics; durability; maintainability; and recyclability. The designs were to take into account the entire life-cycle of the product.

The exhibition features a total of 30 designs.

More information:

Exhibition catalog:

Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi participates the 6th international EcoDesign Special Exhibition at Habitare Fair 2014.Pekka Harni presents a new simple lightweight stool and Yuka Takahashi presents a new NAULAKKO Wooden Coat Rack.Both works are utilising Pre-stressed wooden structure that enables minimal and optimal use of material. The production is also more ecological than laminating wood, or forming the wood by using steam and energy.The stool and coat rack are made out of all wood, collapsible with no metal parts. Welcome!


THE INTERNATIONAL EcoDesign 14 celebrates its 6th year in connection with the Habitare fair. This exhibition is curated by the Finnish architect Marco Casagrande. The theme this year is the Life Cycle. The designers in this invitational exhibition were free to design a piece of furniture or a utility object. The only restriction was that the maximum size should be one cubic meter.

Other important criteria were an ecological production method, choice of materials, packaging and logistics, usability, serviceability and recyclability.

EcoDesign is an invitational exhibition, in which we invite international top designers and young talents from Finland and from abroad. This year we received more than one hundred entries. of which 65 were chosen in the exhibition, based on how the above mentioned criteria were fulfilled.

Prominent supporters, curators and designers made this project possible and we will be showing more than 70 designs. One of the purposes of this exhibition is to strengthen the significant role of ecological design in the Finnish furniture industry.

It is a pleasure to see that ecological design has inspired so many designers, and delightfully many of them have participated in all our exhibitions. Several designers have taken the idea of life cycle as the basis in their products and really paused to think what it means, so that it is plausible to say: good design is long-living. I’d like to thank all the participants for making this project come true. Welcome to the EcoDesign 14 special exhibition!

edited introduction from

Jari Pirhonen Producer, Creative Manager Mainostoimisto Valo Oy



Time: 10–14 SEPTEMBER 2014

More info at…

The exhibition catalogue at…


開催期間:2014年4月8日- 13日 10:30-22:00

場所:La Triennale di Milano, Curva A1 Viale Alemagna 6, 20121

MilanoTriennale Facebook:

EcoDesign ウェブサイト


Yuka Takahashi presents her Triwood Lamp in the EcoDesign exhibition in La Triennale during Milan Design week 8-13 April 2014.

Habitare design fair’s special exhibition, the international EcoDesign exhibition has been organized five times in Helsinki in the past five years. After several successful years of promoting ecologically sustainable design in Finland, the exhibition is setting a new course to Milan, during it’s annually held furniture fair. Ecodesign exhibition will be organized in La Triennale design museum. Seventy-five pieces will be selected from the previous EcoDesigns, added with ten completely new pieces made from GRADA plywood. The architecture of Milan’s EcoDesign exhibition by Aalto Universty’s department of furniture and spatial design. Other partners are Finnish Ministry of Education And Culture, Messukeskus and WWF Finland. The producer and organizer of the EcoDesign exhibition is Mainostoimisto Valo Oy.The EcoDesign Exhibition is open between 8–13th April at 10.30–22.00.

La Triennale di Milano
Curva A1 Viale Alemagna 6, 20121

MilanoTriennale Design Week Facebook site:


Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi conducted Ceramic Design Workshop in Oaxaca, MexicoThis workshop was organised by Mexican NGO Innovando la Tradicion ac*.

“Timeline Atzompa, workshop of evolutionary design in clay”

Pekka Harni + Yuka Takahashi + 30 artisans + 15 designers organized by Innovando la Tradición ac.

  1. I. 10-13. March. 2014

II. 17-20. March. 2014

III. 24-27. March. 2014

Ceramic Design Workshop with 15 local artisans from Atzompa together with 15 artisans from other villages and 15 students from cities was taken place in the village of Atzompa in Oaxaca in Mexico during March 2014.

The goal of the workshop was learning how design could apply their local and traditional ceramic pieces to be developed further evolutionarily. As well, learning how to communicate between designers and artisans and create new sets of useful ceramic pieces together. Accordingly, it was not only design practice but also learning and sharing of skills and knowledge among participants from different background, education or social classes through the workshop.

During this workshop participants were divided into 5 teams of 5-6 people mixed with artisans from Atzompa and other villages and designers from cities. Workshop included a series of lectures by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi, also from the local archeologists to study their traditional objects.

See full album slideshow… HERE

*Innovando la Tradición ac is a non-profit, creative platform led by Kythzia Barrera and Diego Mier y Terán. See more detail from the following link >

Innovando la Tradicion ac:

ユカ・タカハシとペッカ・ハルニがエストニアのタリンデザインナイトフェスティバルで行われたペチャクチャナイトにスピーカーとして参加しました。プレゼンテーションの題目は前者が同時期開催中の展示会名から「ENDURING BEAUTY“永続の美”」 後者は「デザインと進化とアイデンティティ」でスピーチを行いました。

Time: 28. september at 20-22
Venue: Design Night tent, Tartu mnt 1
Entrance: 3 euros
Pecha Kucha Night is a form of design, that was invented by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, in the year 2003. It is an event, in which the people associated can express their thoughts (a slideshow which consists of 20 slides, with every slide being 20 seconds). The inspiring and open-mic environment gives the opportunity for the participants to express their thoughts and ideas to the audience. What started as small entrepreneurship, is now a worldwide known event. The theme of Pecha Kucha Night 2013 covers the theme of Disainiöö 2013. The host of the night is Xenia Joost. Speakers are from Estonia, Finland, Italy and Sweden. For example, Erik Olovsson talks about his mobile design studio – Designbus.

ENDURING BEAUTY フィンランドのサスティナブルデザイン展 タリン、エストニア にて2013年9月26日〜10月6日の期間開催されました。当展示会はペッカ・ハルニとユカ・タカハシのユニットが主催し、デザインフォーラム・フィンランドのライラ・アラネン女史及びタリンデザインナイトフェスティバルの協力のもと開催されました。ENDURING BEAUTY とは永続的な美を意味します。プロジェクト公式ウエブサイトもご参照ください。(英語)



The ENDURING BEAUTY – Sustainable design from Finland exhibition is an event in Tallinn Design Night Festival  events. The works at the exhibition represent the highest quality of Finnish sustainable design, ranging from jewellery to furniture and from bicycles to urban environmental design concepts.

For more detailed exhibition concept, please see “CONCEPT” page.

The joint opening of 展示 in the Design Elevator section at 26 Sep 2013 at 16.30. Welcome!

We are proudly presenting::

Aalto & Aalto, Linda Bergroth, Susan Elo, Johanna Gullichsen, Hahmo / Ilona Törmikoski, Henri Halla-aho, Pekka Harni, Simo Heikkilä, Sanelma Hihnala, Jouko Järvisalo, Inka Kivalo, Seppo Koho, Harri Koskinen, Hannu Kähönen, Stefan Lindfors, Samuli Naamanka, Vuokko Nurmesniemi, Anniina Nurmi, Mikko Paakkanen, Pelago, Peruste, Ritva Puotila, Tuula Pöyhönen, Heikki Ruoho, Janna Syvänoja, Yuka Takahashi, Julie Tolvanen, Petri Vainio and Yrjö Wiherheimo.

This exhibition is organized by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi, Harni-Takahashi Ltd. in collaboration with Laila Alanen Design Forum Finland.


Exhibition: ENDURING BEAUTY – Sustainable Design from Finland

At: Rotermann quarter, Rotermann 4, Tallinn, Estonia

Tallinn Design Night Festival, DisainiööDESIGN ELEVATOR section.

During: 26.SEP.– 06. October 2013

More info:

Design Night Festival link :

Press release in Finnish (lehdistötiedote suomeksi) :


Harni- Takahashi Ltd.

+358 40 777 4528

Pekka Harni & Yuka Takahashi presented at PECHA KUCHA night in Tallinn Design Night Festival. Yuka talked about Enduring Beauty, Pekka talked about Design evolution and identities

Time: 28. september at 20-22
Venue: Design Night tent, Tartu mnt 1
Entrance: 3 euros

Pecha Kucha Night is a form of design, that was invented by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham, in the year 2003. It is an event, in which the people associated can express their thoughts (a slideshow which consists of 20 slides, with every slide being 20 seconds). The inspiring and open-mic environment gives opportunity for the participants to express their thoughts and ideas to the audience. What started as a small entrepreneurship, is now a world-wide known event.The theme of Pecha Kucha Night 2013 covers the theme of Disainiöö 2013. The host of the night is Xenia Joost. Speakers are from Estonia, Finland, Italy and Sweden. For example Erik Olovsson talks about his mobile design studio – Designbus.