The Sustainable Design from Finland exhibition is part of the event Alla Luce del Nord (In the Light of the North), which provides a new kind of open arena for the exchange of ideas between designers and artists, Helsinki and Venice, and in a larger scale, between Finland and Italy.
Good design is both functional and pleasing to the eye and touch. Good design is also sustainable in the sense that it stands the test of time and use. Sustainable design is good for both people and the environment.
The Venice exhibition Sustainable Design from Finland is an event in the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 program. The 45 works at the exhibition represent the highest quality of Finnish sustainable design, ranging from jewellery to furniture and from bicycles to urban environmental design concepts.
The exhibition opens with an electro-acoustic concert by Aquatrio on 6 Oct 2012 at 18.00.
Designers in Sustainable Design from Finland:
Aalto & Aalto, Linda Berghroth, Sirpa Fourastié & Susan Elo, Johanna Gullichsen, Hahmo, Henri Halla-aho, Pekka Harni, Simo Heikkilä, Sanelma Hihnala, Jouko Järvisalo, Inka Kivalo, Seppo Koho, Harri Koskinen, Antti Kotilainen, Hannu Kähönen, Kristiina Lassus, Stefan Lindfors, Samuli Naamanka, Vuokko Nurmesniemi, Anniina Nurmi, Mikko Paakkanen, Pelago, Peruste, Ritva Puotila, Tuula Pöyhönen, Heikki Ruoho, Jukka Setälä, Ilkka Suppanen, Janna Syvänoja, Yuka Takahashi, Petri Vainio and Yrjö Wiherheimo.
This exhibition toured Helsinki and Tallinn afterwards.
See also “Enduring Beauty Exhibition in Tallinn”