Design for All India has been a monthly-published journal since 2006.
We are honoured and pleased to announce the publication of our December 2024 issue, Vol. 19 No. 12 (ISSN 2582-8304), which marks the 241st special issue. The Guest Editor for this edition is Yuka Takahashi, an Industrial Designer from Finland.
The issue includes featured articles written by Hollmén Reuter Sandman architects, Professor emeritus Jiro Sagara, Service Designer and User Experience Researcher Kirsten Sainio, Artist Hisako Inoue, and Yuka Takahashi, from Finland and Japan.
Design for All, India aims to promote the principles of Universal Design throughout India. Our goal is to educate individuals and influence public policy to ensure that environments, products, services, and interfaces are designed to accommodate people of all ages and abilities.
This editorial Embracing Inclusion, Protection, and Empathic Resonance Through Design, Architecture, and Art synthesizes insights from five distinct yet interconnected articles that explore how various organizations and initiatives support these themes through design, architecture, art, with community engagement.
You can download this publication from the December 2024 folder on
the Design for All, India’s website: http://designforall.in/
OR you can open the PDF directly and read it HERE >
Design for All India, December 2024 Vol-19 No-12.pdf