Design for All, India, Newsletter is a monthly-published journal since 2006.

The introduction article is written by guest editor profPekka Harni and other invited contributors are Saija Hollmén, Jenni Reuter, Helena Sandman, Kythzia Barrera, Jacqueline Moors, Nao Saito, and Sanna Simola.

Graphic design and Assistant editor (p.1-84): Yuka Takahashi

Chief-editor of the Design for All India: Dr Sunil Bhatia.

Design for All, India seeks to promote the principles of Universal Design in India. The intent is to educate individuals and influence public policy so that environments, products, services and interfaces are designed to meet the needs of people belonging to all ages and abilities.

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OR Open PDF directly and read HERE > : Design For All -India, MAY 2016 vol-11 no-5