Ceramic Design Workshop in Oaxaca, Mexico

Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi conducted Ceramic Design Workshop in Oaxaca, MexicoThis workshop was organised by Mexican NGO Innovando la Tradicion ac*.

“Timeline Atzompa, workshop of evolutionary design in clay”

Pekka Harni + Yuka Takahashi + 30 artisans + 15 designers organized by Innovando la Tradición ac.

  1. I. 10-13. March. 2014

II. 17-20. March. 2014

III. 24-27. March. 2014

Ceramic Design Workshop with 15 local artisans from Atzompa together with 15 artisans from other villages and 15 students from cities was taken place in the village of Atzompa in Oaxaca in Mexico during March 2014.

The goal of the workshop was learning how design could apply their local and traditional ceramic pieces to be developed further evolutionarily. As well, learning how to communicate between designers and artisans and create new sets of useful ceramic pieces together. Accordingly, it was not only design practice but also learning and sharing of skills and knowledge among participants from different background, education or social classes through the workshop.

During this workshop participants were divided into 5 teams of 5-6 people mixed with artisans from Atzompa and other villages and designers from cities. Workshop included a series of lectures by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi, also from the local archeologists to study their traditional objects.

See full album slideshow… HERE

*Innovando la Tradición ac is a non-profit, creative platform led by Kythzia Barrera and Diego Mier y Terán. See more detail from the following link >

Innovando la Tradicion ac: www.innovandolatradicion.org