Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi are showcasing their exhibition at ETH Edicions H Jenninger in Pobla de Benifassá in the province of Castellón, in the eastern part of Spain.

The exhibition includes a special portfolio featuring the esteemed artist Josep Vallribera. On display are several unique design items by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi, as well as photographs of their projects. Welcome!

Time: 08.06.2024 – 08.09.2024
Place: ETH
Edicions H. Jenninger
Carrer del Moli, 14
E-12599 La Pobla de Benifassà
+34 618 530 321

An interview about Yuka Takahashi‘s research and design projects with UPM Grada® -heat press plywood, is now published in the WISA plywood newsletter. The article is available in several languages:

EN Design fresh out of the oven

FI Uunituoretta designia

SW Design direkt ur ugnen

DK Design frisk fra ovnen

ES Diseno recien salido del horno

DE Design frisch aus dem ofen

FR Design fraichment sorti du four




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