Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi are showcasing their exhibition at ETH Edicions H Jenninger in Pobla de Benifassá in the province of Castellón, in the eastern part of Spain.

The exhibition includes a special portfolio featuring the esteemed artist Josep Vallribera. On display are several unique design items by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi, as well as photographs of their projects. Welcome!

Time: 08.06.2024 – 08.09.2024
Place: ETH
Edicions H. Jenninger
Carrer del Moli, 14
E-12599 La Pobla de Benifassà
+34 618 530 321

An interview about Yuka Takahashi‘s research and design projects with UPM Grada® -heat press plywood, is now published in the WISA plywood newsletter. The article is available in several languages:

EN Design fresh out of the oven

FI Uunituoretta designia

SW Design direkt ur ugnen

DK Design frisk fra ovnen

ES Diseno recien salido del horno

DE Design frisch aus dem ofen

FR Design fraichment sorti du four

Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi’s interview has been published in the Krunikka lehti; Kruununhaka’s local free paper magazine at 03 / 2021 issue.
Kuruununhaka is the old centre of Helsinki.

Original magazine in PDF-version can be found here >

Our studio “Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi” is featured in the interview-based article written by Crystal Bennes in Weekly Studio in the online magazine Helsinki Design Weekly.

The interview covers a wide range of stories from our working style to the ideas behind our projects.

“Weekly Studio” is one of the most popular series of the Helsinki Design Weekly. Helsinki Design Weekly is an online publication that is widely read by professionals in the field of design as well as design enthusiasts in Finland and abroad. Helsinki Design Weekly is published bilingually in both Finnish and English.


Weekly Studio visits the Finnish-Japanese studio Harni-Takahashi to discuss sustainable object making, the unforeseen impact of new technologies on society and industrial design’s need for a theoretical framework.

Founded in 2007, Pekka Harni’s and Yuka Takahashi’s studio works multidisciplinary in the field of design and architecture…

Please see the full story here:

In Eglish

In Finnish

ADB&B  is selected as one of the 14 most successful design in Finland in 2016 by the home & design magazine AVOTAKKA

More info in Meillä on kotona website here:


Pekka Harni has been invited to be a guest editor for Design for All India, May 2016 Vol-11 No-5.

Design for All, India, Newsletter is a monthly-published journal since 2006.

The introduction article is written by guest editor Prof. Pekka Harni and other invited contributors are Saija Hollmén, Jenni Reuter, Helena Sandman, Kythzia Barrera, Jacqueline Moors, Nao Saito, and Sanna Simola.

Graphic design and Assistant editor (p.1-84): Yuka Takahashi

Chief-editor of the Design for All India: Dr Sunil Bhatia.

Design for All, India seeks to promote the principles of Universal Design in India. The intent is to educate individuals and influence public policy so that environments, products, services and interfaces are designed to meet the needs of people belonging to all ages and abilities.

This publication can be downloaded from
Design for All, India’s website:

OR directly from:

Design For All -India, MAY 2016 vol-11 no-5

An article about the Sustainable Design from Finland exhibition in Venice is introduced in Italian based international design and architecture magazine Ottagono.

Ottagono issue no. 256 December-January 2013


Pekka Harni’s new book “OBJECT CATEGORIES” published by Aalto University School of Art and Design will be released in Helsinki Book Fare.


Title of the book: Object Categories

Author: Pekka Harni

Publisher: Aalto University School of Art and Design – Publication series B96

Englsih translation: Jüri Kokkonen

Available in: Aalto University Book Shop

– – – – – – – – – –

Place: Helsinki Fair Center (Helsingin Messukeskus)

Time: 29 – 31.10.2010 10.00-18.00,  Fri 10.00-20.00


Pekka Harni contributed an critical article about Finnish design for the leading and serial running “jokapaikan design” for the Finnish news paper Helsingin Sanomat.

The article is also available online (Finnish Only).

Muotoilussa on otettava huomioon ympäristö (21.08.2010)

Yuka Takahashi interview “At the interface of culture” in the Just Add magazine.
It is possible to see online from link below (PDF file)

in English: Just Add 04/2008 (PDF)

in Finnish: Just Add 04/2008 FIN (PDF)

Kemira website:

March, 2006 The essay Astia-Utsuwa Finnish and Japanese Dining experience by Yuka Takahashi is published in ptah (2005:2) . ptah is a periodical concentrating on the theory of architecture, design and art, and publishing academic essays and peer review articles by Alvar Aalto Academy.



Koti- the home experience is introduced in the article “Suitable designs! Sustainable designs?” by Karola Sahi.
(in Finnish and English).


> link

Article about Koti- the home experience and Astia-Utsuwa are published in Scandinavian interiors and design magazine SPACES ( 5 . 2005 )  ~Japanska former i Finland~ (in Swedish).
