Pekka Harni’s PikkuTikku Stool has been a finalist for the Nordic Design Competition.

The winner of the Finnish candidates is Clash 331 chair by Samuli Naamanka.

The Nordic Design Competition with attention to sustainable chair design
has been hosted by the Nordic Council of Ministers in collaboration with Danish Design Centre, DOGA, Iceland Design Centre, Ornamo in Finland, and Swedish Form.

PDF: Here (open in a new window)

More detail here:

A series of new furniture PikkuTikku designed by Pekka Harni and Yuka Takahashi is launched by the Finnish furniture producer VIVERO.

The furniture collection includes the wooden stool designed by Pekka Harni and the coat rack by Yuka Takahashi.

Bending the wood creates a pre-stressed structure, which is a more ecological solution than laminate the wood in layers with glue. An efficient construction can save raw material. All leg parts are made of ash wood. The Pikku Tikku can be packed in a flat package that can save space for storing and transportation. Thanks to the simple joints leg parts can be assembled by hand without any tools.

The table and the other items are coming to join the collection in the near future!

for more info at VIVERO website:

ADB&B  is selected as one of the 14 most successful design in Finland in 2016 by the home & design magazine AVOTAKKA

More info in Meillä on kotona website here:



Yuka Takahashi‘s work ADB&B multifunctional furniture won the best award in EcoDesign exhibition in Habitare Design Fair! In addition, this furniture was selected as the Most Interesting Product of the Habitare fair by one of the most leading British design critic and author Alice Rawsthorn, the International Friend of Habitare, who writes in international NY Times and other magazines and books.

Here is Alice’s brief description about her choice:

– ADB+B multifunctional seating unit, designed by Yuka Takahashi
Yuka Takahashi’s multifunctional seat-cum-sofa-cum-bed-cum-bench is a great example of the versatile and adaptable furniture that is becoming increasingly popular. It is also relatively light and compact, and can therefore be moved easily from place to place. In short, it is a practical and appealing product for today.

more info:

Habitare press release of Alice Rawthorn’s choices

(in English)

(in Finnish)

facebook article :International friend of Habitare Alice Rawsthorn’s choices



Pekka Harni has been invited to be a guest editor for Design for All India, May 2016 Vol-11 No-5.

Design for All, India, Newsletter is a monthly-published journal since 2006.

The introduction article is written by guest editor Prof. Pekka Harni and other invited contributors are Saija Hollmén, Jenni Reuter, Helena Sandman, Kythzia Barrera, Jacqueline Moors, Nao Saito, and Sanna Simola.

Graphic design and Assistant editor (p.1-84): Yuka Takahashi

Chief-editor of the Design for All India: Dr Sunil Bhatia.

Design for All, India seeks to promote the principles of Universal Design in India. The intent is to educate individuals and influence public policy so that environments, products, services and interfaces are designed to meet the needs of people belonging to all ages and abilities.

This publication can be downloaded from
Design for All, India’s website:

OR directly from:

Design For All -India, MAY 2016 vol-11 no-5

Pekka Harni’s interview on the programm “Kultakuume” on Yle radio (live) on 29th August. Presented by Airikka Nurmela.

It is recorded and can be listened from here the Yle Radio internet page. (in Finnish).

Johtoajatuksena ekologisuus

Arkkitehti ja teollinen muotoilija Pekka Harni on puhunut jo vuosikaudet muotoilun ekologisuudesta. Hän muun muassa esittää, että tuotteet tarvitsisivat valmistusluvan siinä missä rakennuksetkin. Harnin omissa töissä ekologisuus näkyy siten, että hän pyrkii suunnittelemaan tuotteet yhdestä kierrätettävästä materiaalista.

Tuore muotoilun taiteilijaprofessori kertoo Kultakuumeessa suunnittelufilosofiastaan.”

Juontajana on Airikka Nurmela.

The National Council for Design has granted Pekka Harni an artist professorship and a 10-year artist grant beginning in 2012.


The Arts Council of Finland

Pekka Harni’s new book “OBJECT CATEGORIES” published by Aalto University School of Art and Design will be released in Helsinki Book Fare.


Title of the book: Object Categories

Author: Pekka Harni

Publisher: Aalto University School of Art and Design – Publication series B96

Englsih translation: Jüri Kokkonen

Available in: Aalto University Book Shop

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Place: Helsinki Fair Center (Helsingin Messukeskus)

Time: 29 – 31.10.2010 10.00-18.00,  Fri 10.00-20.00
